Since 1965, art educator members of the California Art Education Association have provided leadership that has shaped the field of research and practice in art education and positioned CAEA as the premier professional community for our field in California. CAEA is committed to supporting art educators in their quest to excel as leaders. The CAEA state, regional, and area conferences, special programs, and events explore the multifaceted roles of the art educator through the prism of knowledge, understanding, and leadership.
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CAEA San Diego County Call for Entries: Groff Art Exhibit
April 14, 2025
Lemon Grove Library
Call for entries February 10–28, 2025
More information below.
Dear San Diego County High School Art Educators,
We are pleased to invite you to submit your student artwork for the
2025 CAEA San Diego County Groff Art Exhibit. The Groff Exhibition is
a highly selective juried art exhibition open to all students in
grades 9-12. It honors Bruce Wayne Groff’s passion for fostering
excellence in the visual artwork of high school students.
The Groff Exhibition is the pinnacle of standards-based, competitively
juried annual student art exhibitions in San Diego County. The work
chosen represents a diverse group of teens who are dedicated to their
artistic practice and demonstrate a unique perspective in creative
Due to space constraints, this year’s Groff Art show will have
2-dimensional media (paintings, pastels, graphite, mixed media,
photography, digital art, etc.) with a maximum size of 12”x 18”
including mat. There is some space for smaller 3-dimensional artworks
as well with a maximum size of 8”x8”x10” (clay, mixed media, paper
mache, etc).
Art will be on view from April 14 to May 9, 2025, in the Lemon Grove
Library during library hours at 3001 School Ln, Lemon Grove, CA 91945
The exhibition will end with a closing reception on Saturday, May 10,
2025, 3 pm-5 pm. The reception will be held in the patio outside of
the community room. At the end of the reception, all art should be
taken home by either the artist or the art educator.
ELIGIBILITY: Any credentialed High School Visual Art Educator in San
Diego County. For homeschooled students and art programs run by the
PTA, please note that only the credentialed art teacher at the
student's school can enter the student works into the show. Teachers
must submit entries digitally for online jurying.
ENTRIES: Up to 6 works per art educator
February 10-28: Call for entries via Google Form
February 28: Entry Deadline
March 14-17: Teachers Notified
March 17-30: Artwork drop off
April 7-12: Volunteers Install art during library hours.
April 14: Exhibition Open
May 10: Closing Reception, Show Ends
Four awards will be given: Groff Ceramics Award, Groff Award of
Excellence in Artistic Precision, Groff Award of Creative Expression,
Groff Award of Design
To Submit:
Create a portfolio and contact either Bob Medina (South County) or
Alyssa Navapanich (North County) to make delivery arrangements.
Create a portfolio and send via County Truck Mail to:
Alyssa Navapanich, Art Teacher
c/o Mount Vernon Elementary School Room R9
8350 Mt Vernon St, Lemon Grove, CA 91945
Submission start date is Monday, February 10 and the deadline is
Friday, February 28th, 2025 at 2 p.m. Artwork submitted MUST include 2
completed labels one attached to the front and one to the back of the
artwork as well as a photo release form. Please see Groff Guidelines
for instructions.
2D Artwork must be mounted in a black window mat (preferred) or on
black poster board and include two labels. For paintings on canvas,
hanging wire must be securely attached. Maximum size for 2D
submissions is 12” X 18” including mounting. Maximum size for 3D
pieces is up to 10” in height and up to 8” in depth and width. All
submissions will be reviewed by CAEASD leaders and members. Art not
selected will be returned within 30 days of submission. Accepted
artists will receive a letter of invitation to come to the Lemon Grove
Library for a reception and be awarded a certificate in recognition of
their work. Winners will also be recognized in the following
categories: Groff 3D/Ceramics Award, Groff Award of Excellence in
Artistic Precision, Groff Award of Creative Expression, Groff Award of
We will be following the instructions for the Southern Region YAM show
for labeling and matting the work. Please use a black window mat board
and make sure the labels are 3x5. This is the document with all the
details about mounting and labeling the art. We will need several
volunteers to help to install the show in April. We already have
binder clips for the top of the 2D art from the YAM Show.
Art will be available for pick up at the end of the reception at the
Lemon Grove Library. For public school educators not in attendance at
the reception, artwork, and certificates of recognition can be
delivered to your school site via truck mail. For visual art educators
in private schools, please email to arrange for artwork and
certificate pick up if you are unable to collect them at the
Thank you,
Bob Medina
2025 Groff Chair